Author bio for PS Livingstone
PS Livingstone writes epic contemporary fantasy with lots of romance. She is a Page Turner Award finalist and the author of Awakening, as well as numerous short stories. Suiting her reputation as a renowned grammar fiend, Pamela works as a ghostwriter and editor. As someone who can’t say no, she is also an Area Head for Glasgow 2024 and Online Event Co-ordinator for the British Fantasy Society. She is a member of the Glasgow Science Fiction Writers’ Circle, Society of Authors, and the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders. Pamela lives in Glasgow with her partner and three cats, and can often be found in her allotment, usually covered in mud.
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To be inspired is great. To inspire is incredible.
We all have mediums that inspire us – books, films, music, games – and they all tell a story of some kind. You never know what you can create until, one day, you sit down and do it. I started my creative journey by doing exactly that; I sat down and wrote. Perfecting your craft takes time and experience, and I’m still learning. I’m sure I’ll never stop. Along the way, I’ve met incredible people, people who’ve supported and encouraged me. I’m very grateful for them. The work I do for the BFS and conventions is my way of paying it forward. I love talking to and lifting up other writers. If you see me on socials or at a con, please come and say hi.